You can read our impressions of Barotrauma’s Early Access incarnation here, but until the end of today you can dive into the free trial through the Steam store. If not? It’s up to you whether you sink or swim. If you’re playing Barotrauma in mutiplayer mode you’ve got a chance of salvaging things as a team. which is when you realise something did breach the ship and it’s rapidly filling with water. Was that noise just debris hitting the sub or is something clawing its way into the ship? Maybe you should investigate, or maybe not. Here, you’ve no idea what’s out there and it only makes things worse.

Watch your average aquatic sci-fi movie and, more often than not, you’ll see submarines with massive great windows. They will say strange and unusual things (in the chat), which serves as a warning. The Psychosis affliction has no impact on vitality, but causes the screen to shake and blur, and the Character will have hallucinations (see second table below). You can play it on your own or as part of a team and the fear factor comes from not knowing what’s out there. The patient rants and mutters in an agitated fashion, a steady commentary of unseen events.

EMBRACE THE ABYSS In the not too distant future, humanity has fled to Jupiter’s moon.

It’s a Sci-Fi game that combines ragdoll physics and alien sea monsters with teamwork and existential fear. Sound fun? It is, surprisingly, despite – or perhaps because of – the terror this 2D title invokes. Barotrauma is a 2D co-op survival horror submarine simulator, inspired by games like FTL: Faster Than Light, Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress and Space Station 13. However, Barotrauma is also a deeply, deeply disturbing Steam Early Access game that plunges you into an alien ocean on a submarine that’s five minutes away from breaking down.
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